From the course: Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training

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Rendering using Iray

Rendering using Iray

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to take a look at how we can do a really quick portfolio render right here inside of Substance Painter. So what we're going to do is we're going to drop into what we call Iray Mode here. So this is using NVidia's path trace renderer, Iray, and it's built into Substance Painter. So, here, we can just click the camera icon and that's going to jump us here into Iray Mode. So Iray needs to warm up for just a moment. It's pretty quick, so here's where we are. And you can see I can start to even rotate the camera in here and we're doing just a really quick render. Now a couple of things to set this up. I can see, well, my ground plane's not doing too hot. So let's come over to my Image Mode here, so my Display Settings, and I am going to come over here to this Clear Color. And it's 'cause I don't want to see the environment. I'm just going to do a quick little portfolio render. And, for the…
