From the course: Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training

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Setting up a shader

Setting up a shader

- [Narrator] So in this video, I just want to give you a quick run down of the shader settings, and where you can activate those. So if you come over here to the far right, we have this little shader ball with the gear icon, this is our shader settings. So if I open this, you can see we have our shader settings. Now, at the very top, we have this little button, if I click this, again, it opens up the little mini shelf that is basically filtering the shaders, and we have a set of shaders that we can have. So for example, we could have PBR, this is using alpha blending, so if you were doing any opacity type work. Here's PBR coded. But like I said, for this essential series, this beginner look at Substance Painter, we're going to be just using the default metal rough shaders, so we don't really need to change that. However, each shader's also going to have a set of parameters, and we'll be able to take a look at this a little…
