From the course: Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training

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Using stencils

Using stencils

- [Instructor] In this video, I'm going to show you how you can use stencils. So we have our dials here and I'd like to just add some numbers around these dials and we're going to use a stencil to help us do that. So to start this off we want to make sure that we're on the Parts texture set. We're going to come up towards the top of our layer stack and we're going to create a new standard layer, this is a paneable layer and we'll call this dial numbers, okay. So let's start with our brush. Again I'm just going to use this basic hard brush. And I'm also going to come over here to my brush, excuse me, my Shelf category, let's go to project, and this is the texture we're going to use. So we're going to use this guy. Now let's, we need to set up a few things on our brush first. So let's come over here. The one thing I want to do is I just really want to add color information in this case. So I'm just going to Alt + Left…
