From the course: Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training

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Using symmetry to paint

Using symmetry to paint

- [Narrator] In this video we're going to take a look at how we can paint with symmetry. So here, you know, picking up where we left off, we have our details folder and we have this screws layer. And we're going to start, you know, painting our screws in but what I'd like to do is be able to save some work by working in symmetry mode. So what I'm going to do here with my brush, my paint brush is selected, I'm actually using the tool that we made, and I'm going to come up to the top of the 3D view and I'm going to enable symmetry by just clicking this symmetry button here. And you can see in the UI, we start to get this symmetry line. So if we come over to the actual symmetry settings, we see that because we have this show intersection. And we can actually change the color of this if for some reason it's kind of mixing in, or blending in too much with some of the colors you have in your layers below in the asset.…
