From the course: Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training

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Working with fill layers

Working with fill layers

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to take a look at the concept of fill layers. So here I have my texture set list, and you can see that I have my cabinet selected. Now I have my layer stack, I don't have any layers here. You may actually see just a default layer, which is a paintable layer, so what I can do is just hit the remove layer button here, we'll get rid of it. And we're going to come up to the top of the toolbar and I'm going to select this paint bucket icon, which will add a fill layer. And so, you'll notice here that we have this fill layer now added to the layer stack. Now, a fill layer is not paintable, we can't paint on it. If we look over here at the toolbar, you can see that all of my painting tools are grayed out, I can't do anything. If I try to click in the viewport, I'll get this message here that says fill layers are not paintable. I have a button, if I click this, it will create a paintable…
