From the course: Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training

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Working with texture set settings

Working with texture set settings

- [Narrator] In this video, I want to talk about the texture set settings. So let me just break this panel off for this view here. And let me just expand this. And we're going to talk about these texture set settings. So here at the top, we have size. Let's come back to that in a moment. Here we have our channels and so for each texture set, like I said in a previous video, we have a set of settings that's associated with that. And so here we have our channels, we can actually add channels to this. So in this course, we're also going to be working with ambient inclusion information. So while we don't have that channel, we need to add it. So what I'm going to do is come over here to this plus button and I'm going to add ambient inclusion, so now I've added this channel. Let's go ahead while we're here and do that for all of our texture sets. So we've done this for cabinet let's come over to parts. Notice that it didn't…
