From the course: Success Habits

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Assertiveness and aggression

Assertiveness and aggression

From the course: Success Habits

Assertiveness and aggression

- A vital personal quality for success is assertiveness. The ability to stand up for yourself while remaining calm and while also respecting the rights of other people. Assertiveness starts with believing that you are okay as a person, not perfect, and not better than other people, but at least okay, generally good enough to be able to succeed and to deserve to succeed. Assertiveness then moves on to rights. For example, you have the right to express an opinion and to express your needs as long as your opinions and needs don't infringe on the rights of others. It's aggressive, not assertive, to ignore the opinions and the needs of other people. Conversely, the unassertive person will fail to express their opinions and fail to ask for what they want. And you can see that that is going to be a barrier to success. The third part of assertiveness is responsibility and control. To realize that you are responsible for what you do and what happens to you or at least usually for what happens…
