From the course: Success Habits

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Be yourself

Be yourself

- I want to say a little bit now about being yourself. I think some people worry that they aren't good enough to be successful. So they believe that they will have to somehow assume a persona and put on a front that makes them look like a successful person, whatever that looks like. So this might be pretending to be successful to impress potential clients or pretending to be the kind of person that your boss wants you to be. You can probably already guess that I don't think this is a good idea. And that's for two reasons. Firstly, people aren't fools and if you're not entirely authentic they will know. And even if it works for a while, but they find out later, it's not going to be good. The second reason is a bit more subtle but just as important and it's the fact that you can only reduce yourself. When we're not being ourselves, that means really that we're hiding parts of our personality, perhaps hiding our sense of humor or hiding some of the things we believe in. And this means…
