From the course: Success Habits

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Can you succeed on your own?

Can you succeed on your own?

From the course: Success Habits

Can you succeed on your own?

- It depends what you're trying to achieve, but often success requires a mixture of skills. For example, to run your own business successfully, you'll need to be able to do or make something that people want to buy, but also, you'll need to be able to sell it. The world is full of people who do something really well but haven't managed to market it. They haven't managed to get their message out there to their potential customers. And you'd think that that was the easiest bit, but clearly, it isn't. So it's possible that being an expert on one thing, or being really good at one thing, isn't going to be enough to make you successful. You probably aren't going to be able to avoid working with other people as a team, or at least working in a partnership with one other person. But be careful about this. And I want to mention four thoughts on partnership, which I hope will help avoid problems later. First, choose your partner really carefully. That fun conversation one evening over a…
