From the course: Success Habits

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Do it now: Beat procrastination

Do it now: Beat procrastination

From the course: Success Habits

Do it now: Beat procrastination

- A really key success habit is to just do the tough jobs rather than putting them off. Successful people just do whatever needs to be done. Maybe it's a scary phone call, maybe it's making an unpleasant decision, maybe it's doing some hard work when there are temptations available which are easier or more fun. And this is a habit you can learn. There are ways to train yourself to trick yourself, rally, into getting the tough jobs done. Here are eight suggestions and all you need is one or two that work for you. Number one, realize that having things hanging over your head creates stress. It feels good to get them done. So imagine how great it'll feel to have your list cleared or at least that one job finished. Number two, change your inner dialogue. Say to yourself, I'm a do it now person. Even if you know you're not, (chuckles) based on your past history. Keep saying it, and after a while, your subconscious will start to believe that it's true and you'll gradually change to the…
