From the course: Success Habits

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Do you need a unique idea?

Do you need a unique idea?

From the course: Success Habits

Do you need a unique idea?

- Now, I want to say something about being different. Ideally, you would have a unique product or service, something memorable that was specific to you and that you would be famous for, but for most of us, this is just too difficult to achieve, and I think the good news is that it's okay. You don't have to be unique in order to succeed. For example, I just want a plumber to fix a pipe in my house. I don't want a unique plumber or a famous one. I just want a reliable one who does a good job, and if you're a reliable plumber, you'll almost certainly be successful and prosper. So my personal feeling about USPs, or unique selling propositions, is that it's great if you can have one, and by all means, try to have a niche that's different, some sort of specialist area that you're the best in, but it's going to be easier and just as good to do what other people do as long as you're in a market where there is demand and you're doing it really well. There's a saying that it's best to be second…
