From the course: Success Habits

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Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence

From the course: Success Habits

Emotional intelligence

- It's been shown that success in business is more linked to emotional intelligence than it is to intellectual intelligence or IQ. So let's have a closer look at what emotional intelligence is. The term was originally popularized by Daniel Goleman in his 1995 book, appropriately titled Emotional Intelligence. And it starts with awareness of both what's going on in your own head and also in the heads of others. So it starts with self-awareness and empathy. Then it moves on to influencing your own thoughts and emotions, self-control, self-discipline, self-management, and influencing the thoughts and emotions of others. This sounds a bit manipulative, but it's really just finding ways to work with other people to the best effect by speaking their language, by communicating in a way that works for them. So taking each of these four areas just briefly, first, how self-aware are you? It's easy to act instinctively without realizing, to get angry or to be cautious or bossy or negative…
