From the course: Success Habits

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Find your life purpose

Find your life purpose

From the course: Success Habits

Find your life purpose

- Here's a big question, what's your life purpose? Wow, imagine if you definitely knew what it was, if you came with instructions when you were born. It's possible that we don't have a purpose, we're just here at random. And it's possible that some of us are destined to achieve things, and some of us just aren't really any good at anything. But I don't believe that. I just have this feeling that everyone's got something to offer the world. Everyone has an ability to do something really well, if they could only find it. There's a story about Charlie Mingus, the great jazz bass player. Apparently when he was little, his parents gave him a trumpet, and he was hopeless at it. So they got him a drum kit, and he wasn't good at that, either. Undeterred, they tried him on the double bass. And from the moment that he put his hands on it, he just knew that playing the bass was what he was born to do. But how lucky that his parents didn't give up after the trumpet or the drums. And how odd that…
