From the course: Success Habits

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Get enough time for the important things

Get enough time for the important things

From the course: Success Habits

Get enough time for the important things

- Successful people are careful about how they use their time. Because if you think about it, all you can put into an enterprise is your money and your time. In fact, as you become more successful your time becomes more valuable, not less. And the options for what to do with it usually become more complicated as well. So the key is to focus your time on what is most important. We have to deal with the urgent stuff in order to keep everyone else happy. But finding time for the important things, that's the key. And anything that takes you towards your goals is important. If it doesn't contribute to either enjoyment or achievement of a goal, then it's not important. Perhaps surprisingly, there are things that have to be done which aren't important, like buying food or housework. If you don't do them then you'll get into difficulties for sure. But that doesn't make them important. They are maintenance tasks rather than progress tasks. So the objective is to get them done in the minimum…
