From the course: Success Habits

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How to add a delight factor

How to add a delight factor

From the course: Success Habits

How to add a delight factor

- A great way to build success for any product or service is to get people to recommend you to their friends. Word of mouth is much cheaper, and often more effective than advertising, especially with the rise of social media. And if you want word of mouth recommendations to spread there has to be a delight factor for people to notice and talk about. Something that makes customers say wow, that was amazing. I wasn't expecting that. So as well as the all important basics of customer service, things like keeping promises, calling people back, and being reliable, there's also the question of what your delight factor is going to be. So just to clarify, I'm not saying you have to do something unique. You could be making bread or teaching Excel just like the next person. But if you can do with a delight factor, then you'll have the edge. Could your loaves of bread be in unusual shapes? Or could they have unusual packaging? Or be personalized in some way? Could your Excel training courses be…
