From the course: Success Habits

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How to be more creative

How to be more creative

From the course: Success Habits

How to be more creative

- I actually think that creativity is one of the most important success qualities. If you don't have it yourself, then it'll be necessary to work with a creative person. It's vital to either do something that nobody else is doing or at least to find a way of doing the same thing a bit differently, a bit better than your competitors. If you think about what managers are for in an organization, the biggest value they add is when they're being creative, thinking of better ways to do things. Anybody can just sit there and keep an eye on things. Creativity is what sets you apart. So, the first part of creativity is to question the status quo. Rather than we've always done it like this, you could ask, is there any other way to do it to make it even better? Or if there were no obstacles, how would we ideally do it so that the customers would be amazed? You won't be able to do everything, but it's a start towards thinking about how you could be better. Next is the divergent thinking stage…
