From the course: Success Habits

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How to be more decisive

How to be more decisive

From the course: Success Habits

How to be more decisive

- Successful people have to make decisions all the time, and sometimes these decisions are actually key moments which will affect the future path of our lives. Sometimes these decisions do need a bit of thinking about. Make a list of the pros and cons, make sure you've covered all the possible options, talk them over with other people, sleep on it, take your time, and get it right. But as well as the big moments, there are also lots of small decisions that have to be made every day, and it almost doesn't matter which way we go, as long as we make a decision. Like someone stopped at a road junction, unable to decide which way to go and blocking the traffic, there are people and organizations who get bogged down by even quite small decisions, with the result that progress is horribly slow towards their objectives. My first point on making decisions, especially the smaller ones, is that often, any decision is better than none. Get into the success habit of getting the key facts, and then…
