From the course: Success Habits

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How to be organized

How to be organized

- However creative or clever you are, if you're not organized, you won't succeed at anything. And the key thing for being organized is to write everything down. Every idea you have, everything you plan to do, everything you promise to do and everything that's promised to you, write it down. And whether or not you use your phone or a laptop or a notebook, there are three areas where you need to be writing things down. These three areas are completely essential to anyone who wants to succeed at anything. But luckily, they're quick and easy to do. The first is a master list. This is a great, big list of everything that you're going to do at some point. Maybe the items have come from your boss, or from your customers, or they're parts of your personal goals, or just things that have come up and need doing. Stick everything on your master list in any order, just capture it. Already this is good, because you have less stress, less worry about forgetting things and it's the first step…
