From the course: Success Habits

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How to develop a success mindset

How to develop a success mindset

From the course: Success Habits

How to develop a success mindset

- Can a person change? Can a person change themselves if they want to? Clearly, events leave their mark on us, good or bad, and clearly our upbringing has a big effect on how we turn out, but what about if you're grownup and you want to change something about yourself in order to be more successful in life? Perhaps you want to be more patient or less shy or more organized. Are these things built in either from genetics or upbringing? Or is there still time to change them? I definitely believe that you can change them. You can develop yourself in any direction you want to and faster than you realize. Your thoughts are mostly habits and if you can change your thoughts, then you'll change what you say and what you do, at which point you have changed and permanently once a new habit has been established. These thought habits are known as scripts which are beliefs that you have about yourself that influence your behavior without you noticing. So, for example if you have a script which…
