From the course: Success Habits

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How to find the best price to charge

How to find the best price to charge

From the course: Success Habits

How to find the best price to charge

- A key success skill is to get your pricing correct. Whatever you make or do, you'll be selling to someone, and it'll need a price. And you'll need to get that price right. I'm not saying that profit is your number one motive here. You might decide to make your product affordable to certain groups people who you want to help. Alternatively, if it's your time that you sell as a service, then you might well decide to charge more and do less, which would probably mean a slightly lower income, but the extra time would mean that you had a better qualify of life. The problem is that if you charge a bit more, than you'll sell a bit less. But you are selling less for a better price, so are you better off overall? Have a look at this diagram. You can see on the spreadsheet that I've put a scale of increasing price. It's just for some imaginary product or service, but it will apply to anything. In fact, you might want to create one for your own product or service straight after you've watched…
