From the course: Success Habits

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Look after your mind

Look after your mind

- I mentioned previously about looking after your body. And that's step one. But then there's step two, which is looking after your mind. You can't be successful at anything if your mind isn't working to its full capacity. The first thing is to get enough sleep, which I've already talked about. Your mind needs to refresh itself by getting enough good sleep. And we don't need to cover that again, but it is important. Next is to have some gaps in the day, some time to think. I've already mentioned writing everything down so that your mind is free to be creative. But then you also need some time to do this. Can you develop a habit in your working day to take a little bit of time out occasionally to ponder questions like, how can I do my job better? And, is there a solution to that problem that I'm missing? And maybe, is everything going in the right direction? I quite envy smokers in this respect, when they get a break to go outside into the fresh air and the sunlight and take 10 minutes…
