From the course: Success Habits

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Making great plans

Making great plans

- Successful people don't just drive around at random hoping to end up somewhere good. They have an objective clearly in mind and they also have a map of how to get there. And what's true of a car journey is also true for a project, for a business, or even for your career or your life. Have an objective and have plans for how to get there. So you need a willingness and an ability to plan. I think some people just don't know how to plan, but I think a bigger barrier is the willingness part. I think people avoid plans because they can't be bothered or they worry that it'll constrain them too much or that it'll commit them to some unpleasant work. Or, maybe they just don't know how they can get to the destination. It's just too hard to make a plan. So what we're talking about here is basically project management. How do you get from A to B when you've not been to B before? It's a new destination and you don't really know what's involved. And the answer covered in much more detail in my…
