From the course: Success Habits

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Managing your drivers

Managing your drivers

- There are three habits, usually known as personality drivers, which hold you back from being successful. They're known as drivers rather than habits because they're so deeply ingrained that they control most of our behavior without us even noticing. There are times when these drivers are useful, positively good, but the key is to make sure they don't get out of hand. They are habits and they can be broken, or at least steadily reduced if you put pressure on them and push back against them. Let's have a quick look at all three of them and with each one, we'll look at how to push back against it. First up is be perfect. The little voice in your head that says that bit there isn't quite right. You need to spend a bit more time fiddling with that. I think you can immediately see why this one will reduce your chances of success. You'll spend too long on things that are not important and you may not even start because you're still waiting to get 100% of the information, which of course…
