From the course: Success Habits

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My top ten success books

My top ten success books

From the course: Success Habits

My top ten success books

- I've been influenced a lot by a small number of books over the years. And I thought it would be interesting to tell you about some of those. So here is my top 10. They are quite a varied bunch of books. But if I describe each one briefly, then that might help you to decide whether it's one for you. If you just get one thing from a book, and you use that one thing for life, it's been worth reading. Reading is definitely a success habit. So here we go in no particular order. Number one is The Road Less Traveled by Scott Peck. Not an easy book to read. It's about the meaning of life, and it talks about laziness, and how we should take the more difficult path, the one less traveled, while everyone else is taking the easy path, which is ultimately less rewarding. The book covers things like the fact that all our brains are connected, all sorts of strange and interesting stuff. Second is a really funny and useful book called Influence by Robert Cialdini. It's about real experiments that…
