From the course: Success Habits

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Saying no—is it selfish?

Saying no—is it selfish?

From the course: Success Habits

Saying no—is it selfish?

- There's not enough time in life to do everything, so to be successful at something, you will somehow need to get enough time to work on that project. And by far the best way to do that, in fact, a vital success habit, is saying no. Say no to things that don't contribute to your goals. Of course, this can't be a 100% rule, that you say no to everything that doesn't fit with your one obsessive dream. You'll have to compromise a certain amount. With friends and relatives, and bosses, and people who need your help. But if you can get a bit better at saying no, it'll give you a significant amount of extra time, and certainly if you're bad at saying no, you'll struggle to get anything done for yourself. The rest of the world will steal away bits of your time for all sorts of good reasons, and you'll end up with no time left for yourself. There are variations on just saying a blunt no. Like negotiating to do it later, or to spend less time on it. Or trading one thing for another. But in…
