From the course: Success Habits

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Six anti-success habits

Six anti-success habits

From the course: Success Habits

Six anti-success habits

- Thinking about success habits. There are good ones that you can add to your life. But there are also some anti-success habits. Things that will be a barrier to success if you don't get rid of them. And, of course, the main reason why you might be behaving in a counterproductive way is that you're not aware of it. So it's important to really think hard. Do I do these things? At least maybe sometimes. So what might these failure habits be? Well, the list could be huge. But I'd like to single out six that I think are common and really damaging. Number one is being negative. Negative thinking and negative statements. This habit will certainly hold you back. You'll reject ideas that could've been useful. You'll become discouraged when things aren't going as easy as you'd like, and you'll make other people less keen to work with you. We all know people who are negative, and I think you'd agree, they'll never get anywhere being like that. The only question is whether you sometimes can be…
