From the course: Success Habits

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Six life strategies

Six life strategies

- Now I want to talk about something massive, your plan for your whole life. I've been thinking about this for years as I observe my various friends and the strategies that they've been following throughout their lives. I think there are only six life plans that make sense. I wish I'd known about these when I first started out. I hope this list of six is helpful for you when you're making decisions about what to do in your career. Two of them require being self-employed. But the other four apply equally to people in organizations so I hope you find it relevant to your current situation. The first option is to build up a company and sell it off either for lots of money or at least for enough to cover your retirement. This requires a lot of hard work and quite an element of risk because what if you don't manage to build it up or sell it? It also needs skill and talent. Not everyone can invent or build a company. But still, it's an option. The second option is the other self-employed…
