From the course: Success Habits

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Spread your risks

Spread your risks

- I just want to say something about putting all your eggs in one basket. Whilst you do need to focus and commit to something in order to succeed, I think it's a good idea to spread the risk if you can. So here are three strategies that should help you to have a more robust success plan. First, don't put your future in the hands of one person. If you're employed, this may well be your boss. And of course, your boss is important and you do need to keep them happy, in fact, make them happy by being great, but just don't rely on them for your whole future career and life. You'll find that bosses come and go. Sometimes they take you with them in a good way, but sometimes they get fired, maybe unfairly, and that could be bad for you. So even if you think your boss is great, make sure your future isn't completely dependent on them. And make sure it's not dependent on any one person, a business partner, a key employee, one big customer. Try to spread your risk. Second, don't be dependent on…
