From the course: Success Habits

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Success and happiness

Success and happiness

- A really important question. Maybe the most important question you could ever ask is, what is the link between success and happiness? Will success make me happy? Will happiness lead to success? And can you have one without the other? I suspect that you can be successful without being happy. But what about being happy without being successful? I've already made a course on happiness. And I would urge to watch that as well, because success and happiness are related. And I would suggest that happiness is the end goal of everything. So if something like, for example, success doesn't make you happy, then why are you doing it? So let's look at how success and happiness are connected. We know there are externally successful people who have fame and money and power but who are still not happy. So that's not the kind of success we want to chase after. In fact, if you appear to be successful, but you're not happy, then you're not really successful are you? Not internally successful anyway…
