From the course: Success Habits

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The people you associate with

The people you associate with

From the course: Success Habits

The people you associate with

- The people you associate with make a huge difference to how you think and to what you believe you can do. I think it was Napoleon Hill who said whatever your mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve. And if you associate with the right people, it will help greatly with the conceiving and believing, and, therefore, in the end with the achieving. But most people's main association is either down in the pub or in the office. And it's so easy to just complain about life and then talk about football or cars. Now, don't get me wrong. I do like football and cars, but sometimes I need to be lifted up, not distracted. And it certainly isn't good for me to be dragged down by my pessimistic friends. If I said to these particular friends who tend to be more negative that I was thinking of being videoed in Los Angeles talking about success, I know that some of them would say, are you sure you want to do that? Or, who do you think you are? Or, what if it goes wrong? Which wouldn't be very…
