From the course: Success Habits

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Three benefits of great listening

Three benefits of great listening

From the course: Success Habits

Three benefits of great listening

- I can't stress enough how important it is to be a great listener. Listening is the key skill for sales people, managers, negotiators, coaches, parents, you name it. I really don't think you can be successful at anything without being a great listener. Luckily, listening is fairly easy once you set your mind to being good at it. I think most people have never really considered it as a skill, never thought of it as an issue. The only thing that makes it a little tricky is that we tend to think faster than other people talk. So we get a bit bored while they're speaking, especially if we've already predicted what they're going to say. So we start having thoughts in between their words and before long we're thinking instead of listening. So the game is to control your urge to think about answers and fully concentrate when you're listening. Of course, you'll be asking questions every now and then, and adding a little bit of content to the conversation. But it should be 90% of the time…
