From the course: Success Habits

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Three interpersonal habits for success

Three interpersonal habits for success

From the course: Success Habits

Three interpersonal habits for success

- Whether you're working with a business partner or on your own, relationships are going to be key to success of any kind. People who aren't good with people very rarely succeed, and the only hope they've got is to have a people-person who kind of shields them from the outside world. A communication buffer between them and everyone else. It's impossible to avoid customers, and almost certainly you'll have suppliers, probably colleagues, and maybe people working for you. And in every case, relationships have to be effective. And even if you've got the communicator as your buffer, you still have to get on well with them. But let's assume you are going to have to deal with customers and colleagues. What do you need to do in terms of interpersonal skills? We'll look at things like influencing and negotiating in detail later, but a good start with this is to set yourself the task of being, with every person you deal with, of being the nicest person they've ever met. This may naturally be…
