From the course: Success Habits

Welcome to success

- My name's Chris Croft, and welcome to this series of videos on the subject of success. We're going to be looking at the skills and habits required to be successful, to help you to achieve whatever you regard as success. Successful in work and successful in your life generally. Success means different things to different people. For example, you might want to publish a book or build up your own company, or have a great career within your current organization, or to make a difference to the world, or to raise fantastic kids, or all of the above. Some of these things lead to money and some of them don't. So, success is not the same as making money, but you can see that if they do involve money, it's the money that follows that success. Success isn't about the money itself. Money's just a measure of success in some areas of life. And then there's the link between success and happiness. Maybe there isn't one or maybe there is. We'll come to that as well. In each video, I'll be covering at least one practical thing that you can do to be more successful in life. You might know some of them, but I bet you don't know all of them. And just imagine, if this program makes you five or 10%, or even 20% more effective at getting where you want to be, wouldn't that be great? So whatever it is that you want to achieve, this series will help you to get there. And if you do even a fraction of what I'll be suggesting, it will change your life. So let's get started.
