From the course: Success Habits

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Why goal setting works

Why goal setting works

From the course: Success Habits

Why goal setting works

- Successful people always have goals. If you watch any interview with successful politicians or business people, they always talk about setting goals from a young age. But whatever your age, it's still never too late to set a goal. The point is that you have to have a direction of travel, something you're aiming for. If you think about it, everything has to be created twice. It's done in your mind first, and then it's done for real. Every building that is built is in somebody's head first. iPhones were in Steve Jobs' head before they became reality. The climbing of Mt. Everest was done in their head before it was done for real by Hillary and Tenzing. So it's clear that you have to have goals if you're going to achieve anything, and that if you've got clear goals you will be much more likely to achieve them. And this is for two reasons. The first reason is that goals give you direction like a GPS working in your head. Every day, you make tiny decisions about what to do, and these all…
