From the course: Success Habits

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Working with different types of people

Working with different types of people

From the course: Success Habits

Working with different types of people

- To be successful at anything, you'll have to deal with other people, whether it's a few close relationships with business partners and key customers, or lots of brief working relationships with small customers and suppliers. It's the same whether you're running your own business, working in an organization, or working on projects in your spare time. Relationships with other people are always key. And I think the main thing to know about other people is that they aren't all the same as you. They think differently, they make their decisions differently, and they like to be communicated with in different ways. Of the many different models of communication styles, the one I like best is the one that divides everyone into just four types. Of course you can be a mixture, on the edge between two types, and there are some people who I just can't place. But it works really well for most people I deal with, which seems like a pretty good result to me. It divides people into detailed versus…
