From the course: TensorFlow 2.0: Working with Images

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TensorFlow Hub for CIFAR-10

TensorFlow Hub for CIFAR-10

- [Instructor] So can we use the TensorFlow Hub to help us with the CIFAR-10 dataset? Let's take a look. So I'm now at the TensorFlow Hub, if I head over to all models and I look under the dataset, let's see if we can find the CIFAR-10 dataset here. So I'm going to select CIFAR-10 and this gives me a couple of the models that are available here. Now, I can see that there are a couple of GAN-based models, which are not going to be helpful. But this model, which is a deep VGG style network trained on CIFAR-10, looks very promising. And additionally, the fact that it's been downloaded 2,000 times means that it's probably pretty good and the publisher is DeepMind. So this is looking very promising. So let's head over to our notebook and let's use this model. So I'm going to just click on this, and this is the URL that I'm going to need to be able to access this model. So I'm going to head over to runtime and run all of…
