From the course: TensorFlow 2.0: Working with Images

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Transfer learning with TensorFlow Hub

Transfer learning with TensorFlow Hub

From the course: TensorFlow 2.0: Working with Images

Transfer learning with TensorFlow Hub

- [Instructor] Let's head over to the Colab Notebook and look at another dataset and an example of image classification. For this example, we will need to use the GPU, so I'm going to head over to Runtime, change the runtime type. I'm already using a GPU. And I'm going to go ahead and run all the cells in the notebook. Now we're going to be using the flower's dataset in this example. And the flowers dataset has five classes. And our job is to look at an image of a flower and predict which of these five types of flowers it is. So we store all of our data in the data_dir directory. And you can see that we've got five different directories here, and each of these directories corresponds to a flower. So you've got tulips, sunflowers, roses, dandelions and daisies. Now each of the images is of size 224 by 224. And our batch size is going to be 128. The TensorFlow dataset API offers the dataset abstraction, so we will be…
