From the course: The Elements of Effective Photographs

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Peak action

Peak action

- At first glance, it may not seem like photographing sports and photographing wildlife have anything in common. One takes place out in the wild, and the other usually takes place in a town or a city. But there is an important similarity. With both types of photography, you can't control the action. You're relegated to the sidelines, where you wait for the action to happen. And when it does, you've got to be ready to capture it. You may not get a second chance. In every active situation, there is a moment called peak action. It's the one photograph from a series that can stand alone, that tells a story. It may be the long jumper at the top of her arc or your daughter as she kicks the winning goal or a bear just missing a salmon or the driver flying out of the hydroplane. Let's take a closer look at peak action. I spent a wonderful day at Oso Ranch, photographing Sue jumping her horse. Before I even took a shot, I…
