From the course: The Elements of Effective Photographs

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Plan for your shoot

Plan for your shoot

- Plan to fail but be prepared with a backup plan. There's always a problem when you're shooting. I can think of only one assignment where there wasn't. And we're talking about thousands of assignments. The worst-case scenario happened to me when I was in the middle of nowhere in Alaska photographing salmon. Both my underwater camera housing and my dry suit started leaking. Fortunately, I had a backup Nikonos that I was able to use until the new housing was flown in from Washington DC a week later. No luck with a dry suit though. I just covered it with duct tape and got used to the cold. Even above water, I always shoot with two cameras and I often bring a third or a fourth just in case. The extra bodies came in really handy in Eastern Siberia when I was camping out in a tent in the winter for a story on reindeer herders. Three of my cameras failed because of the extreme cold. It was 30 below zero. My fourth one kept on…
