From the course: The Elements of Effective Photographs

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Two-light setup

Two-light setup

- So, this is where we ended the last movie, with a key or main light. Now we're going to add a second light. It will be filling in the shadows and that's why we call it a fill light. The exposure for both of them is about F11 and they're placed about three feet away from Margo. Now see how the shadows have disappeared. Everything is evenly lit. Now Margo, can you smile for me? Oh, that's great. That's very nice. Her smile really works with this lighting. Now I'm going to move the second light, the fill light back to about twice the distance. And we can see how the shadows are starting to change. They're a little bit deeper, but very beautiful, very dimensional in their look on her face. Now go ahead and smile again. There you go. Oh, big smile. There you go. Okay, it works so well with her expression. Now I'm going to move a little bit back further and you can see that the shadows are starting to deepen and look…
