From the course: The Future of Workplace Learning

L&D measurement in the future

From the course: The Future of Workplace Learning

L&D measurement in the future

- L&D leaders want to demonstrate the impact of their work, but it can be tricky. Did that fantastic course on snowblowers really make sales go up 350% or was there just a big blizzard? Tests are one metric to show learning transfer. Multiple choice might still be viable, but with ChatGPT and other AI, essays, as we currently use them, are irrelevant. Besides, just because someone can show they know something doesn't mean that they're going to do it back on the job. The truth is, often L&D relies on securing an annual budget, and CFOs want to know the return on the investment, so it's both tricky and vital to get it right. Likewise, if we know what learning experiences have an impact, it can influence future strategic decisions. The way we measure learning is rapidly changing. One of the biggest leaps will be the ability to correlate learning against real-time performance metrics. New technologies have the ability to evaluate how well a person uses a piece of software and assign a skills writing. Other technologies are aiming to match data from a learning management system with performance measurement tools. This means we'll have the potential to launch a piece of learning and measure its impact on performance within hours. There will also be more options for automation, freeing up precious time and resources. To prepare for this new landscape, a savvy L&D leader needs to focus on three priorities. First, make sure you can actually do something with the metrics. Measuring and reporting data isn't enough. You need to be able to iterate and reiterate fast if a learning experience is not meeting KPIs. Second, listen to the data. You might find out that something isn't making an impact at all, and that's fine as long as you act on that information and make the necessary changes. Finally, know the data privacy rules for your jurisdiction and company. There are many laws and regulations when it comes to handling employee and personal data. It might feel a bit overwhelming or scary even to think about all of the ways learning measurement is changing, especially when so many other things about work itself are evolving, but having better and faster access to performance outcomes and the ability to link these with learning experiences means we are going to gain more insights, and this means improved results and opportunities to innovate.
