From the course: Typography for Motion Designers in Cinema 4D

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Additional animation techniques

Additional animation techniques

- [Instructor] In this movie, I just want to go through some of the other tabs that we haven't looked at on the mutex object. And so we're going to take a look at the all lines words. And they're very similar to what we've already looked at with the letters tab. Each of these tabs works in a very similar way. We can add effectors to them. And all they'll do is effect the mutex object in just slightly different ways. So we could modify the entire text object with all, or simply just the lines of the text, or the words. And as we've seen, the individual components as well. I've already set this animation up. And it's all stuff that we've looked at previously. And so what we have in this first one, it's times like these, we just got a plane scaling up, a plane doing some rotation. And we've got this group effector, which is just doing some delay. And I've put it into a group because we have a couple of effectors doing…
