From the course: Understanding Confidentiality and Nondisclosure Agreements


- I bet you've heard of non-disclosure agreements, often referred to as NDAs or called confidentiality agreements or CAs. They're signed all the time in business. Whenever we want to engage in a business relationship with a vendor, supplier, a potential client, or a customer, or a variety of partnerships that arise between businesses or business people, we risk exposing our proprietary information. That puts us and our business at risk, and it puts others at risk when we learn their proprietary information. These agreements can become so common for some business people that we take them for granted and may even sign them without a second thought. I'm Dana Robinson and I've been a lawyer since 1999. Since that time, I've worked for a law firm and I've grown a law firm of my own. I've also been an entrepreneur and a company executive. In those roles, I've seen or signed hundreds of non-disclosure agreements. I'm an expert in intellectual property law and I'd like to help you look at confidentiality agreements through the lens of a business person and identify the key points that are present in most agreements that you'll see. While you might not feel comfortable editing an agreement yourself, you might have the confidence to know if you're stepping on a landmine or deciding that the agreement is sufficient for the circumstances or deciding to turn it over to the lawyers. Let me add a disclaimer that this course is not legal advice, and while I hope to help non-lawyers understand the structure and key elements of a legal document, whether or not to use a lawyer is up to you as well as the risks associated with your decision.
