From the course: Understanding Confidentiality and Nondisclosure Agreements

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What are miscellaneous contract provisions and do they matter?

What are miscellaneous contract provisions and do they matter?

From the course: Understanding Confidentiality and Nondisclosure Agreements

What are miscellaneous contract provisions and do they matter?

- Miscellaneous provisions can be a problem down the road if you aren't attentive to them now. Miscellaneous doesn't mean unimportant. If the term and termination provisions are in the miscellaneous section, pay attention and address those as the most important part of the agreement. Ensure that the trade secrets are protected perpetually, even if the term is short or the agreement can be terminated at any time. Other than term and termination, let me walk you through the most common miscellaneous provisions. No rights. This is a term that would likely say that the receiving party gets no rights to any information shared. As is or conclusions. Often, a provision says that any information is without warranty and that the disclosure is not responsible for the conclusions drawn by the recipient. Governing law. This covers where a dispute is broad and what law applies. Ideally, this is your home state for both the…
