From the course: Unreal: Creating Visualization Cinematics

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Adding a cinematic camera to a level

Adding a cinematic camera to a level

- [Instructor] Before we can even begin to think about using Unreal Sequencer to its full potential, we will need to know how to both add and adjust the cameras that Unreal makes available to us. In this video then, we'll take a look at how we go about doing just that. Coming to the modes tab in the UI then, let's click to enter the cinematics tab, and then perform a left click and drag, and now let's drop a cine camera actor into the level. One useful feature that we have available here is that while a camera is selected, you will note that we have a small preview window up here in our 3D view. This gives us a preview of what the cine camera actor is looking at, while at the same time being able to transform and edit it inside our 3D view. Coming to the details tab, we see that we do, indeed, have a good set of options to adjust, so as to get the camera more accurately the shot that we want from the camera looking just the way that we need it to. So, for example, we can drop down the…
