From the course: Unreal: Creating Visualization Cinematics

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Adding a cut track to a sequence

Adding a cut track to a sequence

- [Instructor] Having a camera move setup is good, but what if we wanted to add some extra control into our sequences? So for example, how would we go about using the rigs that we already have in the level? To quickly demonstrate, let's create a new level sequence and call it SQ_railcam. We will need to click to add a new track here, and then select the rail camera for the shot just as we did before with the freestanding camera. With the Sequencer open we can click on the rail track in our 3D view to select it, and then in the Details tab, come to the Rail Controls rollout which is where we can click the add keyframe button on the current position Unreal parameter. And then note that over in the sequence we now have access to this parameter. So we can animate it. I'm sure you would agree that that it's probably a lot easier to add functionality to our sequence than we may have initially thought. Let's finish by coming to the end of our timeline, setting the current position Unreal…
