From the course: Unreal: Creating Visualization Cinematics

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Adding a master sequence

Adding a master sequence

- [Instructor] For this final exercise in the chapter we'll be working with the two sequences that I've already created. For use with both the rail and crane cameras. Created in the exact same way as the animation for the cine camera that we have already worked through. If you want to deconstruct those and the changes that I've made to them then do feel free to open up the final level in this new project and take a look at those sequences. To put everything that we have to good use then, what we will use here is what I tend to call a master sequence. Although in reality this is just a level sequence that we are going to use to house all of our other sequences. Simply because there are a couple of advantages to taking this approach. Though it is not meant to be confused with the actual master sequence type. But for lack of a better name we will just refer to it as such. So, what are the advantages to doing things this way? Firstly, it means that all of our original camera setups remain…
