From the course: Unreal: Creating Visualization Cinematics

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Adding fades and cuts

Adding fades and cuts

- [Instructor] In this particular video, we're going to be taking a look at how we can add a fade-in and fade-out effect in order to make our sequence look a little more interesting as well as some keyboard shortcuts that we may want to use when working with key frames. With our Master Sequence once again open, we can come to the new track button, and from that appears once we click on it, add a Fade Track. This is required to simply add a fade to our entire sequence. We can, of course, add these into the original camera sequences should we desire to have fades on each shot. For now, though, we just want a simple fade-in at the start of our animation and a fade-out once it comes to an end. At the bottom of our sequence, we can click to add a new key frame at frame zero, and then set our fade to a value of one. Moving forward several frames, we can click to add another key and, again, set its value to zero. Although, we can, of course, adjust these keys suit our needs at any time. With…
