From the course: Unreal: Creating Visualization Cinematics

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Affecting actors per camera shot

Affecting actors per camera shot

- [Instructor] One of the things that we have seen in our course up to this point is how we can easily make changes to our camera options but, of course, we can change quite a bit more than that in our scenes. For instance, with our free-standing Cine Camera sequence open, let's make sure that we are sitting at frame zero. The notes that something we may want to do at times, is hide a static match actor that could be obstructing our otherwise perfect view of a scene. In the case of this particular shot, let's pretend that the cactus model here is not what we really want to see. And so, with it selected let's come to its properties in the details tab and add a key frame to its actor hidden in game option. And then, we'll check it inside our sequencer. What happens now is that the match actor is removed from this particular camera shot and then we could of course place other key frames later on in the sequence so as to re-enable its visibility in this camera or our other shots…
