From the course: Unreal: Creating Visualization Cinematics

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Camera types in Unreal

Camera types in Unreal

- [Instructor] Although we have noted that Sequencer can be used for much more than just camera management, we will, in this beginner course, be mostly using it in this way. And so a good question to ask at this point is exactly what camera tools do we actually have at our disposal in Unreal? Well, if we come to the modes tab in the editor UI and then click to enter the Cinematic section we can see that we have two rig types and a camera that we can use. The first rig available is a crane. And a tool that can help us create some really dynamic sweeping shots of say, outdoor environments, particularly large ones. Or that can simply be used to shift focus from one part of an environment or point in a room to another. Doing so in a way using motion that can really bring energy to a shot. The second rig type that we have available in here is a rail or a track as some people may refer to it that really allows us to get some really good fixed path motion on our camera. Be that either to…
